

Word Cloud Generator

Customize your own word cloud in the following format [word],[size],[color]. Maximum 2000 words. 美牛,1455,1 立委,1147,1 節目 ... Intelligent Agent Systems Lab.

Collaborative Word Cloud

2023年10月26日 — Word Cloud – A real time word cloud tool with which the user inputs a group of words, and those words are displayed in a visual 'cloud'.

An Evaluation of Semantically Grouped Word Cloud Designs

由 MA Hearst 著作 · 被引用 92 次 — Abstract—Word clouds continue to be a popular tool for summarizing textual information, despite their well-documented deficiencies for analytic tasks.

7 Best Word Cloud Generator Tools for School and Work

Top Word Cloud Generators · 1. Wordart · 2. WordClouds · 3. WordIt Out · 4. ABCya! · 5. TagCrowd · 6. Monkeylearn WordCloud Generator · 7. Jason Davies Word Cloud.

Word cloud

Word clouds are an easy to use and inexpensive method for visualizing text data. One of the challenges of interpreting word clouds is that the display ...

Free Word Cloud Generator

Create word clouds that are interactive & engaging. Let your audience generate a free word cloud quickly and easily. Pose your question and watch vibrant words ...

Create a word cloud with the audience

Reimagine word clouds as shared experiences. When you create a word cloud using Poll Everywhere, each word comes from the audience. You ask the question, ...

Create live word clouds for free

Wow your audience with interactive word clouds. Capture people's thoughts and ideas in a beautiful word collage. Loved by presenters and


Wordclouds.com is a free online word cloud generator and tag cloud generator, similar to Wordle. Create your own word clouds and tag clouds.